Artists questionnaire
The French writer Marcel Proust (1871–1922) answered a number of questionnaires during his life. One, however, was very special – and incidentally a popular game in the Paris salons. Proust was presented with it in the circle of friends of Antoinette Faure, daughter of the President of the Republic, and even answered it twice: at 15 and at 21.
We let us inspire by the idea and the questions and are taking Proust’s 100th anniversary of his death as an opportunity to present 88 curious questions to selected artists. But don’t worry, courage to leave gaps is allowed – not all questions have to be answered. The first 20, however, are obligatory. What is not only due to our curiosity and that of the readers, but is also in your own interest – your audience will love you even more after a little peek behind the scenes. So just don’t mince your words – we’re looking forward to it!
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